Fidel took off his glasses and there began the Moncada barracks disaster


miércoles, 25 de julio de 2012

Fidel took off his glasses and there began the Moncada barracks disaster

Fidel Castro..

It was then that Gustavo noted that Fidel -- during the almost kamikaze-like commando operation -- was wearing glasses. Fidel detested for anyone to see him wearing glasses in public, and upon entering the city, he took off that sign of weakness and put them away in one of his uniform's pockets. (…)
Upon reaching the entry to the Moncada barracks lit by only two lights, the driver of the first car stopped, got off, and yelled to the two sentries: "Open way for the general!" The guards, who were confused, opened the gate and stood at attention. Two of the attackers ran towards them and easily disarmed them.
When the first car entered the barracks, Fidel drove his car forward. However, because of the lack of light and the fact that he was not wearing his glasses, his car went up a curb onto
the sidewalk and crashed very violently and noisily into one of the posts at the entry. The disastrous attack had just begun, but neither Fidel Castro nor the other attackers knew that yet.

This anecdote from July 26, 1953, was told by Guillermo Cabrera Infante in 1984, who heard this from Gustavo Arcos who rode in the car with Fidel during the attack.
I don't understand why people are amazed that he has disappeared since he became sick; for him, the sick are weak. Nevertheless, he embraces a sickly Hugo Chavez. Could it be for the black gold? That seminal liquid petroleum?
Today we know that the attackers were released in 1955, two years after the assault. Some believe they were released because of a promise that Fidel's mother made to the Virgin of Cobre in Santiago de Cuba. Many of us believe it happened because of the family ties the Castros had with general Fulgencio Batista, who had imprisoned them, but who was also the godfather of Raul Castro, baptizing him in 1938 according to a photo that appeared in the Avance Crillo newspaper on August 12, 1960. One day we will learn the truth, or perhaps not.

Arsenio Rodríguez Quintana. Writer. His latest books:

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